某日中午時分,在「雅室」的某個角落,隨著悠揚樂曲,有一桌三位客人正在交談,準備享用他們的午餐。裡面一位是外國人A,一位是台灣人B,他們正準備招待另一位遠道而來的外國賓客C。AM 11:45B:Good afternoon, are you Mr. White, from XXXX, Inc?C:Hello, I am. How do you do?B:I am Henry of XXXX Trading Company, this is my boss, Mr. Robinson.C:Mr. Robinson, nice to meet you. I am here to meet you.A:Thank you, Mr. White, I have been looking forward to seeing you.How was your flight?C:It was a good flight.A:Welcome to Taipei. Was it easy to find here?C:It is ok, but it is been a while since I have been here, it was five years ago.B:Is Mr. White all right?C:I am a little tired.A:You must be tired from the long flight. Are you ok?C:Thanks!I am ok. It is a fine day, today.B:It feels muggy.A:I heard it is going to rain this afternoon.How is the weather there?C:ha, it is warm everyday.A:Are you hungry? Would you like the beefsteak?C:ha, I like it so much!I miss the special taste of the beefsteak.A:ha, ha, waiter, please come here and take our order!....PM 2:30C:These are good foods and service. Thank you for your entertainment and making time for me. My best regards to your family.A:Thank you very much, I am glad to meet you.C:I also have a great time with you.A:Well, have a nice day.Mr. White will drive you, and take your baggage to the hotel.C:Thank you very much, what time shall we meet tomorrow morning?A:I will come to your hotel at ten tomorrow morning.C:Thank you for taking care of me.A:Please take a rest today.C:Thank you, and I have to say goodbye.A:Good luck, bye!PS:建議午餐可事先預約,訂位專線:(02)27753011、(02)27753013地址:台北市安和路一段49巷10號1F (鄰近富邦銀行總部)

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